[Solved] Crashes and Exceptions Pagination is missing


it looks like pagination is not working in Crashes and Exceptions section… It is missing at the bottom of the page. I tried on Safari and FF.

Hi @dzonileona , I’m sorry to hear that your page numbers are missing. Do you have more than 20 types of reports in your project? We only display page numbers if more than 20 types of reports have been logged.

This break is most likely the same as this [Solved] Bug - Crashes and Exceptions UI Broken

I have the same issue, and definitely hundreds of types of reports

Hi @sticksports_bittman and @dzonileona , you’re both right that our pagination was broken recently after our dashboard front end was updated. Please follow [Solved] Bug - Crashes and Exceptions UI Broken for more information on when we resolve this issue.

It is OK now