Hello all,
Asking for your help and guidance on this one.
I am making a custom editor to instantiate and destroy multiple objects using two GUI buttons. In edit mode, all is working fine, I can instantiate multiple prefabs, and then destroy them, one by one, from last instantiated to first, but as soon as I press “Play” and the “Stop”, I am not able to destroy any previously instantiated prefabs (instantiated before play-mode). I can instantiate new prefabs and then destroy them, but as for those prefabs that were instantiated before I hit play - they stay unaffected.
Now, I am not that much worried that this happens in play mode, but I definitely want to continue from the point before play mode.
Whenever a prefab is instantiated, I add it to a Stack and keep a track of the size. After I hit play - stop, it seems to reset to 0.
After browsing numerous posts about a similar problem and checking Unity’s API, I do realize I need to figure out a way to save the custom editor settings and variables by serializing them or making them dirty, I just do not know how to accomplish this. I’ve tried what was suggested in those posts, but nothing seems to be working in my case (or I’m doing something wrong).
I have a Monobehaviour script and an Editor script. I’ll post the snippets for a single type of the object, as other parts are the same.
Here is the first one:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
[System.Serializable, ExecuteInEditMode]
public class ObjectControl: MonoBehaviour {
[SerializeField, HideInInspector]
public Stack<GameObject> undoStack = new Stack<GameObject>();
public GameObject instance;
public int undoStackSize;
public int objectSelectionIndex = 0;
public void placeObject()
switch (objectSelectionIndex)
case 1:
Debug.Log("Just received a number 1 from the editor");
GameObject object_A = Resources.Load("Prefabs/Object_A") as GameObject;
instance = Instantiate(object_A, this.transform.position, this.transform.rotation, this.transform);
undoStackSize = undoStack.Count;
case 4:
Debug.Log("Just received a number 4 from the editor, deleting the object");
if (undoStack.Count > 0)
GameObject objToUndo = undoStack.Pop();
Debug.Log("Stack is empty! Stack size is: " + undoStack.Count);
And the Editor script:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections.Generic;
[CustomEditor(typeof(ObjectControl)), CanEditMultipleObjects]
public class ObjectControlEditor : Editor
int objectSelectionToolbar = 0;
int numberOfPossibleUndo;
bool chooseOption = false;
bool objectSelectionFoldout = false;
public ObjectControl scriptTarget;
public void Awake()
scriptTarget = (ObjectControl)target;
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
GUI.changed = false;
chooseOption = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(chooseOption, "Choose a segment to add:");
if (chooseOption)
stationSelectionFoldout = GUILayout.Toggle(stationSelectionFoldout, "" + (stationSelectionFoldout ? "▼ Object selection ▼" : "► Object selection ◄"), "Button", GUILayout.MaxWidth(Screen.width), GUILayout.Height(25));
if (objectSelectionFoldout)
GUILayout.Space(5); //Space before a text box
GUILayout.Box("Select lenght of the station:");
GUILayout.Space(5); //Space after a text box and before a toolbox
string[] objectSelectionToolbarOptions = new string[] { "Object A", "Object B", "Object C" };
stationSelectionToolbar = GUILayout.Toolbar(objectSelectionToolbar, objectSelectionToolbarOptions, GUILayout.MinWidth(Screen.width), GUILayout.Height(50));
RollerCoasterBuilder scriptTarget = (RollerCoasterBuilder)target;
numberOfPossibleUndo = scriptTarget.undoStackSize;
switch (objectSelectionToolbar)
case 0:
if (GUILayout.Button("Place selected object", GUILayout.Height(30)))
scriptTarget.objectSelectionIndex = 1;
if (GUILayout.Button("Undo" + "(" + numberOfPossibleUndo + ")", GUILayout.Height(30)))
scriptTarget.objectSelectionIndex = 4;
if (GUI.changed)
Any ideas or suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance