[Solved] Deleted post, no way to retrieve content to post in right category

Hi admin,

I posted a question ~2h ago and my post got deleted.
Could you please indicate me where to find the original message so I can copy-paste it (it took me forever to write this) and repost in the right category.

Also, why not at the very least tell me to move it in the right category (there is no category dedicated to ECS I could find by the way), rather than just delete it without saying a word…

If it’s ECS you want to ask about it’d be the “Data Oriented Technology Stack” section, as that’s what ECS is a part of. It’s listed under “Betas / Experimental Features” on the forum front page.

Having a thread deleted is pretty unusual. Normally they’re locked or moved or just left alone. If you’re 100% sure it posted successfully I’d ask someone like @UnityMaru about it.

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Thanks for providing me with the correct category angrypenguin.

Yes, I am 100% my post got deleted, I only received an Alert about it.

I will contact UnityMaru (via the conversation tab I suppose!?).

Now that I’ve @ tagged them they should get an alert about this thread.

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You’re in luck. Google cached it before it was deleted. Code will need to be reformatted though.

cache: - Google Search https://forum.unity.com/threads/ecs-hair-pulling-error-in-what-should-be-very-simple-scripts-error-dc0023.939317/ &hl=en&gl=us&strip=1&vwsrc=0


Ooooooh amazing, so many thanks Ryiah!!!

The thread was deleted for the reasons in the message. It was not deleted “without a word”, you got a message telling you why it was deleted. If you post in the wrong forum, and no one has responded it is deleted. The forum sections have clear descriptions (note that this forums description specifically states it is not for support), please read them before posting and post in the correct forum. It will save you time.

It is actually pretty common, you just don’t see it because… well… they are deleted. :wink:
It is done for a simple reason, no one pays attention unless there is effort involved. I used to move threads for new users all the time with a friendly note to please post in the correct forum next time. Almost always their next thread would be in the wrong place with a comment to “please move if this is the wrong forum”. That is learnin’ them the wrong behaviour. And sucking up mod time. If they have to retype their message, they will likely post correctly the next time around. Win, win, win.


Read the forum descriptions and post in proper forum so you don’t have to type it twice.