Hello everyone!
Do you know whether there a way to disable shadows from certain sources?
For example, in a project I am currently working on, I would like the terrain (custom-made, not a Unity terrain) to only recieve shadows from the main character and not by other sources, including itself.
Is that possible?
If possible, I would prefer a way that doesn’t involve any scripting because I’d like to see the result in the editor, too.
Many thanks in advance,
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In the Mesh Renderer component you can select if that object will cast and receive shadows. So if there are some objects that you don’t want to have a shadow, just disable shadow casting in their Mesh Renderer component. More info here Unity - Manual: Mesh Renderer component
Thank you very much! This is exactly what I was looking for!
But what about when this option is not showing up in the mesh renderer, like for example in the Warrior Character New Input System sample project where the Warrior mesh doesn’t have this option?
that didnt work for me i added a mesh renderer on something i imported and i turned of the shadows but there are still shadows
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i found the mesh renderer after digging deeper into my thing i imported and it wont let me edit the mesh renderer
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