Hello everyone!
Im new on Unity and I’m trying to learn while I do my graduation project. My doubt is how use variables of a script inside other one.
I have one script that stores the tag of an object when I click on it. Then, other script has to know that and use this string variable to do something. I did this:
My Variable “selecao” receive one string and its called in the other script by this way:
public class Controleprojetil : MonoBehaviour
private Latinha scriptlatinha; //script name
private string selecao2; //other variable to store the other one coming from the other script
void Start()
scriptlatinha = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <Latinha> ();
void Update()
selecao2 = scriptlatinha.selecao;
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other)
Debug.LogError (selecao2);
if (other.GetComponent<CapsuleCollider2D>().tag == "lMetal" && scriptlatinha.selecao == "lata") {...
What am I doing wrong? The result of “Debug.LogError (selecao2)” is always OBJECT and not “lata” as was expected.
scriptlatinha = GameObject.FindObjectOfType ();
This is the issue, you find the object and not the actual script. U need to grab it with GetComponent();
Good luck
This is incorrect. When you call FindObjectOfType(), it returns you a reference to the actual Latinha component found (or null if none can be found). If it did not, then your assignment to scriptlatinha would not even compile.
I can’t tell from what you’ve posted why it’s not working. But I notice that you don’t actually need to store the string in your update method, just to check it in OnTriggerEnter2D… you could check it directly, i.e., just reference scriptlatinha.selecao in your OnTriggerEnter2D event (and delete the selecao2 field from your class).
Sorry for not using code tags. I didn’t know how to use it.
I put the variable in the Update Method to instantly know when the “selecao” get a newer value. As I have said, I m new on Unity. Thank you for helping me!
That was I thought. I saw some video tutorials and they used this method. I ll try your tip and the one of Basen1. Lets see if I can do some progress! Thanks a lot!
Guys. I found one more clue about this issue. SELECAO is a string variable. Its coming with " " (empty) from the other script. Thats why my condition doesnt work.
Any ideas about why is this happening?
Please post the updated (simpler) version of the code.
This error message means that you’re using some object reference (probably scriptlatinha) which is null, i.e., it doesn’t refer to any object at all. That could be because FindObjectOfType returned null, or because the FindObjectOfType never actually happened.
Use Debug.Log to examine variables (e.g., right after you call FindObjectOfType). Never assume something like Find is going to work — verify that it works, by actually checking the result.
Guys. I found one more clue about this issue. SELECAO is a string variable. Its coming with " " (empty) from the other script. Thats why my condition doesnt work.
Any ideas about why is this happening?
OK, thanks. The code you’ve posted looks correct. If the selecao property is empty-string, then it’s empty-string… the explanation for that would be in the Latinha script, not in this one.
If it’s like your original post, then you should be assigning a value to selecao in certain cases. But there are lots of ways to mess that up — for example, a common newbie mistake is to declare a local variable with the same name as the class field. So you think you’re assigning to the field, but really you’re only assigning to the local variable.
If you post your entire Latinha script, then we can help you look for errors like that.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Latinha : MonoBehaviour {
public float Timer;
public bool click;
public bool click1;
private string escolha;
private GameObject lata, garrafa, pet;
public string selecao;
void Start () {
//Encontra e define os objetos para seleção
lata = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("sbl_lata");
garrafa = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("sbl_garrafa");
pet = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("sbl_pet");
//Esconde todos os objetos de seleção
lata.GetComponent<Renderer> ().enabled = false;
garrafa.GetComponent<Renderer> ().enabled = false;
pet.GetComponent<Renderer> ().enabled = false;
click = false; //Mostra para o script que nenhum objeto foi clicado
Timer = 0; // Zera o cronômetro
click1 = false; //Mostra que o primeiro click ainda não foi dado sobre o objeto
void Update (){
// Se o objeto foi clicado e o tempo é inferior a 0,5 segundos
if (click && Timer < 0.5) {
if (click1) { //Se é a primeira vez que se clica sobre o objeto
transform.Rotate (0, 0, 27); //Rotaciona o objeto para a direita (27°)
MostraObj (); //Chama o método Escolha, que define qual objeto será mostrado na seleção
} else { //Se é a segunda vez que se clica sobre o objeto
transform.Rotate (0, 0, -27);//Rotaciona o objeto para a esquerda (27°)
escolha = "nada"; //Define que a string escolha é "nada"
MostraObj (); //Chama o método Escolha
Timer += Time.deltaTime; //Acrescenta tempo ao Timer para parar a execução
} else { //Quando o tempo chega a 0,5 e nenhum novo objeto é clicado
click = false; //Click recebe falso
Timer = 0; //Tempo é zerado
escolha = null; //A escolha é limpa
void OnMouseDown(){ //Método que indica o que ser feito ao click do mouse sobre objeto
escolha = gameObject.tag; // A variável escolha recebe a tag do objeto clicado
click = true; //Identifica o click na condição do médoto Update, permitindo o giro do objeto.
/*Define a variável click1 para false ou true dependendo da condição anterior, fazendo o objeto
mudar de direção na rotação do método update*/
if (click1) {
click1 = false;
} else {
click1 = true;
public void MostraObj(){ //Método responsável por definir qual objeto deve ser mostrado na tela de seleção
switch (escolha) { //Condição passada pelo método OnMouseDown e Update
case "Lata": //Se o objeto clicado tinha a tag "Lata", mostra somente o símbolo Lata
lata.GetComponent<Renderer> ().enabled = true;
garrafa.GetComponent<Renderer> ().enabled = false;
pet.GetComponent<Renderer> ().enabled = false;
selecao = "lata";
Debug.LogError (selecao);
case "Garrafa": //Se o objeto clicado tinha a tag "Garrafa", mostra somente o símbolo Garrafa
lata.GetComponent<Renderer> ().enabled = false;
garrafa.GetComponent<Renderer> ().enabled = true;
pet.GetComponent<Renderer> ().enabled = false;
selecao = "garrafa";
Debug.LogError (selecao);
case "Pet": //Se o objeto clicado tinha a tag "Pet", mostra somente o símbolo Pet
lata.GetComponent<Renderer> ().enabled = false;
garrafa.GetComponent<Renderer> ().enabled = false;
pet.GetComponent<Renderer> ().enabled = true;
selecao = "pet";
Debug.LogError (selecao);
case "nada": //Se a tag retornou "nada", esconde todos os símbolos
lata.GetComponent<Renderer> ().enabled = false;
garrafa.GetComponent<Renderer> ().enabled = false;
pet.GetComponent<Renderer> ().enabled = false;
Debug.LogError (selecao);
selecao = null;
OK, this looks good. I see you’ve put LogError calls everywhere you assign to selecao (though in the “nada” case, you’re doing it before the assignment — you should move that one down).
So do these LogErrors messages appear when you expect them to? And afterwards, do you see what you expect from the other script?
If not, then check whether have more than one Latinha object in your scene. That might be a source of confusion.
When you say “If not, then check whether have more than one Latinha object in your scene. That might be a source of confusion”, you mean a gameobject with an attached Script Latinha on it? Because I have more than one in this case. I created a “gameobjetc” Latinha and replicate it, changing his tag.