[Solved]error cs0120 an object reference is required to access non-static member

I got this error, so I got friends help and looked it up, but was unsuccessful in fixing it. This is the question that was closest to answering my problem, but it just gave me more errors.

New errors after the reading the answer:
Assets/TheMurderer/Scripts/NetworkManager.cs(32,47): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol Weapon' Assets/TheMurderer/Scripts/NetworkManager.cs(77,60): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol Controller’
Assets/TheMurderer/Scripts/NetworkManager.cs(78,51): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol Look' Assets/TheMurderer/Scripts/NetworkManager.cs(79,56): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol Motor’
Assets/TheMurderer/Scripts/NetworkManager.cs(80,54): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `Weapon’

This fix gets rid of error cs0120, but I kind of doesn’t at the same time. Code:

void SpawnMyPlayer(){
    		SpawnSpot mySpawnSpot = spawnSpots [Random.Range (0, spawnSpots.Length)];
    		GameObject myPlayerGO = PhotonNetwork.Instantiate ("myPlayer",mySpawnSpot.transform.position, mySpawnSpot.transform.rotation, 0);
    		standbyCamera.SetActive (false);
    		myPlayerGO.GetComponent (FPSInput Controller).enabled = true;
    		myPlayerGO.GetComponent (Mouse Look).enabled = true;
    		myPlayerGO.GetComponent (Character Motor).enabled = true;
    		myPlayerGO.GetComponent (Secret Weapon).enabled = true;
    		myPlayerGO.transform.FindChild ("Main Camera").gameObject.SetActive(true);

You have spaces in your Class names, which is not legal. GetComponent takes a single Class name as a parameter.

myPlayerGO.GetComponent (Character Motor)

Also, GetComponent needs this format:


Check if there is any static variable in your method, if there is, then you need to make the method static too.