I’m building some large outdoor environments for use with Oculus Quest and I’m noticing a pretty annoying bug with the standard URP-complaint Lit/Simple Lit shaders. Whatever the far plane distance is set to, anything using the aforementioned shaders will only draw out to roughly half that distance. Text Mesh Pro objects and other types of shaders (including things I’ve made in Shader Graph) seem to work okay. Objects render if I set their material’s render mode to “transparent”, but this can introduce other problems and thus isn’t really a solution. Any ideas on how to get the Lit/Simple Lit shaded objects to behave?
Unity 2019.3.15f1
URP 7.3.1
After some tinkering it seems to be an issue with having a skybox in the scene (Lighting → Skybox Material); deleting the skybox makes everything appear properly… … …except now I don’t have a skybox. It looks like the skybox was occluding everything farther away than roughly half of the camera’s far clip plane, which falls under a different problem entirely.
Hi there!
The skybox issue you run into is a known issue we are actively tracking here: Unity Issue Tracker - [XR] [Skybox] Skybox rendering does not respect far plane setting, occluding the scene object in XR
The fix is currently under review
Thank you for checking in on this! In the meantime I’ve made a Skybox shader graph using cubemaps that works well enough.
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