[SOLVED] GVR Reticle not expanding when an object is Gaze

The reticle does not expand when start gaze at an object. Screenshots below.
Before Gaze

On Gaze Start


(skip the color changing)

Check in the working scene if there is some script attached to that green box,
maybe gazetarget script or something similar… (check layers also)

The script attached changes the box color but the growth of the reticle is implemented in GvrRecticle.cs. (GoogleVR/Scripts/UI/).

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Make sure that the “Physics Raycaster” is attached to the “Main Camera” object. Then be sure that “GvrReticle” is a child of the “Main Camera”.
Main Camera
Main Camera Left
Main Camera Right

Also make sure that the cube has a Box Collider… I think you need that… I think…

Both things are as you said but still not working.

[SOLUTION] You must add an Event Trigger to the object plus the Collider (no need to set any Event Type).


I have spent the last hour trying to get the Reticle expanding when gazing at an object. In GVR-1.1 the Physics Raycaster need to be the “GVR pointer Physics Raycaster” not the Unity’s own Physics Raycaster. Hope this saves someone else some time.

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make sure all colliders between camera and target objects are turned off.

A further important hint: The main camera must also be tagged as MainCamera.

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reticle is not expanding on object gaze.any help?

@nupur7 @diegoalonso Set the tag of the GameObject to GameController, etc

Thank you this ended my hours of looking for a solution!

I already have an event trigger attached. but the pointer is still not expanding for me. Any suggestions?

I had to expand “Max Reticle Distance” in the GvrReticlePointer to get my reticle to recognize my Sphere Collider and expand the reticle.


This solved my issue! Thanks!

I had the same issue. Solved by selecting the main camera and checking the ‘Tag’ in Inspector. It needs to be set as MainCamera. As soon as I changed it, boom!3847654--325294--upload_2018-11-2_15-35-46.png

thank you mcaintu . working with tagging MainCamera. :slight_smile:

This solved my same problem! Thank you!

The gaze is working on the preview, but when i build the project on my phone, isnt… .

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SOLUTION: Make sure you added GvrPointerPhysicsRaycaster and NOT GvrPointerGraphicsRaycaster as a component in Main Camera!!!