I´m student, and I have to use Unity to make a game to a project in the college.
I animated a sword in 3dsmax 2009 and exported as a FBX, and when I make the script for the animation play the sword returns to the point 0,0,0 of the scenario and plays the animation there.
What I have to do for the sword plays the animation without altering it´s position ???
thanks in advance !
You need to place the sword in a Empty GameObject at location 0, 0, 0
Then you can move the Empty GameObject around wherever you want 
I did it, but the animation keeps going to the zero point … it´s strange … Really strange o.o
i´m really confused about why this is hapening.
I should make something in the 3dsmax archive ?? Or this is something that I have to resolve by unity ?
Thanks for the help
Ow … now I discovered what was the problem, the animation in 3ds max was wrong 
But thank you for the help !!!
You saved My Weekend !
how did you fix this from the animation side?