Hello There, I Am Currently Playing Around With Procedural Generation And I Have Hit A Brick Wall In My Code And Can’t Load Caves My Code Makes A Landscape And When You Dig It Gets Blocks From Memory And Places Then Because, I Don’t Know How To Do Chunks… So I Did It This Way But I Am Trying To Make Caves And I Am Getting This Error
IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
(wrapper managed-to-managed) object:ElementAddr_3_8 (object,int,int,int)
GeneratorRebuilt.DigMines (Int32 numMines, Int32 mSize) (at Assets/GeneratorRebuilt.cs:100)
GeneratorRebuilt.Generate () (at Assets/GeneratorRebuilt.cs:63)
GeneratorRebuilt.Start () (at Assets/GeneratorRebuilt.cs:45)
Can Someone Please Help This Is My Code
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Block {
public int type;
public bool vis;
public GameObject block;
public Block(int t, bool v, GameObject b) {
type = t;
vis = v;
block = b;
public class GeneratorRebuilt : MonoBehaviour {
public static int width = 128;
public static int depth = 128;
public static int height = 200;
public int heightScale = 20;
public int heightOffset = 100;
public float detailScale = 25.0f;
public int sandPlacement = 110;
public int grassPlacement = 117;
public int dirtPlacement = 114;
public int stonePlacement = 0;
public GameObject grassBlock;
public GameObject dirtBlock;
public GameObject stoneBlock;
public GameObject sandBlock;
public GameObject cloudBlock;
public GameObject DiamondOreBlock;
public GameObject BedrockBlock;
Block[,,] worldBlocks = new Block[depth,height,width];
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
Generate ();
void Generate() {
int seed = (int)Network.time * 10;
for(int z = 0; z < depth; z++) {
//Setting Custom Seed
for(int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
int y = (int) (Mathf.PerlinNoise((x+seed)/detailScale, (z+seed)/detailScale) * heightScale) + heightOffset;
Vector3 blockPos = new Vector3(x,y,z);
CreateBlock (y, blockPos, true);
while(y > 0) {
blockPos = new Vector3 (x,y,z);
CreateBlock (y, blockPos, false);
DrawClouds (30, 150);
DigMines (6, 500);
Debug.Log ("The Current Level Seed: " + seed);
void DrawClouds(int numClouds, int cSize) {
for(int i = 0; i < numClouds; i++) {
int xpos = Random.Range(0, width);
int zpos = Random.Range (0, depth);
for (int j = 0; j < cSize; j++) {
Vector3 blockPos = new Vector3 (xpos, height - 1, zpos);
GameObject newBlock = (GameObject) Instantiate (cloudBlock, blockPos, Quaternion.identity);
worldBlocks [(int)blockPos.x, (int)blockPos.y, (int)blockPos.z] = new Block (5, true, newBlock);
xpos += Random.Range (-1, 2);
zpos += Random.Range (-1, 2);
if (xpos < 0 || xpos >= width) xpos = width / 2;
if (zpos < 0 || zpos >= depth)zpos = depth / 2;
void DigMines(int numMines, int mSize) {
int holeSize = 2;
for (int i = 0; i < numMines; i++) {
int xpos = Random.Range(10, width-10);
int ypos = Random.Range(10, height-10);
int zpos = Random.Range (10, height-10);
for (int j = 0; j < mSize; j++) {
for (int x = -holeSize; x <= holeSize; x++)
for(int y = -holeSize; y <= holeSize; y++)
for(int z = -holeSize; z <= holeSize; z++) {
if(!(x == 0 && y == 0 && z == 0)) {
Vector3 blockPos = new Vector3(xpos+x, ypos+y, zpos+z);
if(worldBlocks [(int)blockPos.x, (int)blockPos.y, (int)blockPos.z] != null)
Destroy(worldBlocks [(int)blockPos.x, (int)blockPos.y, (int)blockPos.z].block);
worldBlocks [(int)blockPos.x, (int)blockPos.y, (int)blockPos.z] = null;
xpos += Random.Range (-1, 2);
ypos += Random.Range (-1, 2);
zpos += Random.Range (-1, 2);
if (xpos < holeSize || xpos >= width - holeSize) xpos = width / 2;
if (ypos < holeSize || ypos >= height - holeSize) ypos = height / 2;
if (zpos < holeSize || zpos >= depth - holeSize) zpos = depth / 2;
for(int z = 1; z < depth-1; z++) {
for (int x = 1; x < width-1; x++) {
for (int y = 1; y < depth-1; y++) {
if (worldBlocks [x, y, z] == null) {
for (int x1 = -1; x1 <= 1; x1++)
for (int y1 = -1; y1 <= 1; y1++)
for (int z1 = -1; z1 <= 1; z1++) {
if (!(x1 == 0 && y1 == 0 && z1 == 0)) {
Vector3 neighbour = new Vector3 (x+x1, y+y1, z+z1);
DrawBlock (neighbour);
void CreateBlock(int y, Vector3 blockPos, bool create) {
GameObject newBlock = null;
if (y > grassPlacement) {
newBlock = (GameObject) Instantiate (grassBlock, blockPos, Quaternion.identity);
worldBlocks [(int)blockPos.x, (int)blockPos.y, (int)blockPos.z] = new Block (1, create, newBlock);
} else if (y > dirtPlacement) {
newBlock = (GameObject) Instantiate (dirtBlock, blockPos, Quaternion.identity);
worldBlocks [(int)blockPos.x, (int)blockPos.y, (int)blockPos.z] = new Block (2, create, newBlock);
} else if (y > sandPlacement) {
newBlock = (GameObject) Instantiate (sandBlock, blockPos, Quaternion.identity);
worldBlocks [(int)blockPos.x, (int)blockPos.y, (int)blockPos.z] = new Block (3, create, newBlock);
} else
if (y > stonePlacement) {
newBlock = (GameObject) Instantiate (stoneBlock, blockPos, Quaternion.identity);
worldBlocks [(int)blockPos.x, (int)blockPos.y, (int)blockPos.z] = new Block (4, create, newBlock);
} else if(y > 70 && y < 80 && Random.Range(0,100) < 3) {
newBlock = (GameObject) Instantiate (DiamondOreBlock, blockPos, Quaternion.identity);
worldBlocks [(int)blockPos.x, (int)blockPos.y, (int)blockPos.z] = new Block (5, create, newBlock);
} else if(y > 1 && y < 5 && Random.Range(0,100) < 90) {
newBlock = (GameObject) Instantiate (BedrockBlock, blockPos, Quaternion.identity);
worldBlocks [(int)blockPos.x, (int)blockPos.y, (int)blockPos.z] = new Block (6, create, newBlock);
void DrawBlock(Vector3 blockPos) {
if (worldBlocks [(int)blockPos.x, (int)blockPos.y, (int)blockPos.z] == null) return;
if (!worldBlocks [(int)blockPos.x, (int)blockPos.y, (int)blockPos.z].vis) {
GameObject newBlock = null;
worldBlocks [(int)blockPos.x, (int)blockPos.y, (int)blockPos.z].vis = true;
if (worldBlocks [(int)blockPos.x, (int)blockPos.y, (int)blockPos.z].type == 1)
newBlock = (GameObject) Instantiate (grassBlock, blockPos, Quaternion.identity);
else if (worldBlocks [(int)blockPos.x, (int)blockPos.y, (int)blockPos.z].type == 2)
newBlock = (GameObject) Instantiate (dirtBlock, blockPos, Quaternion.identity);
else if (worldBlocks [(int)blockPos.x, (int)blockPos.y, (int)blockPos.z].type == 3)
newBlock = (GameObject) Instantiate (sandBlock, blockPos, Quaternion.identity);
else if (worldBlocks [(int)blockPos.x, (int)blockPos.y, (int)blockPos.z].type == 4)
newBlock = (GameObject) Instantiate (stoneBlock, blockPos, Quaternion.identity);
else if (worldBlocks [(int)blockPos.x, (int)blockPos.y, (int)blockPos.z].type == 5)
newBlock = (GameObject) Instantiate (DiamondOreBlock, blockPos, Quaternion.identity);
else if (worldBlocks [(int)blockPos.x, (int)blockPos.y, (int)blockPos.z].type == 6)
newBlock = (GameObject) Instantiate (BedrockBlock, blockPos, Quaternion.identity);
worldBlocks [(int)blockPos.x, (int)blockPos.y, (int)blockPos.z].vis = false;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update() {
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown (0)) {
RaycastHit hit;
Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay (new Vector3 (Screen.width / 2.0f, Screen.height / 2.0f, 0));
if(Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 3.0f)) {
Vector3 blockPos = hit.transform.position;
if ((int)blockPos.y == 0) return;
worldBlocks [(int)blockPos.x, (int)blockPos.y, (int)blockPos.z] = null;
for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++)
for (int y = -1; y <= 1; y++)
for (int z = -1; z <= 1; z++) {
if(!(x == 0 && y == 0 && z == 0)) {
Vector3 neighbour = new Vector3(blockPos.x+x, blockPos.y+y, blockPos.z+z);