[SOLVED] How to disconnect a client from the Server in LLAPI?

Hello! Title says it all.
In HLAPI, it’s really easy. Just find their NetworkIdentity. then get the connectionToClient and call Disconnect on it.

But how can we do this in LLAPI?

Does NetworkClient.allClients work in LLAPI?

Pretty sure NetworkClient is HLAPI.

Solution: NetworkTransport.Disconnect. I read the docs on it, but it seemed like the docs was suggesting that it only works for clients. But I decided to try it out and it did work.

Unet really is a mess and the docs for not much better on help… but yeh I think NetworkTransport is pretty much the only part that is llapi in the UnityEngine.Networking that you can use, all the other areas in that seems to be hlapi stuff and no use.

I handled this issue by having a list of connections on the network manager, and then waiting for OnDiscconectFromServer and removed the matching connection ID.

Can’t disagree with you more too be honest. The HLAPI is so easy to use, and aslong as you understand your code and the basic concepts. It’s super easy to use and I would say it’s a wonderful place to start with Network Programming. What is such a mess about Unet? And what is so horribly wrong with the docs?

Well, That’s not what I wanted to do. I wanted do disconnect them from the server at the library level. Not pretend like they didn’t exist.