[SOLVED] I can't find the correct Path for Binding. Only "Usage" available.

Well, I tried to use the New Input System for the first time. I was following tutorials but when a tried to bind my actions, the only option I see is “Usages”. I think Gamepad could be an option. Am I wrong?
I’m using Unity 2020.1 and this is a empty project. Before that, I installed the Input System Package, I went to Edit/Project Settings/Input System Package and added Gamepad as suported device and I created a new Input Actions.
Can somebody help me, please? Did I do something wrong? Please awnser this post.


In the upper left corner of the Input Asset window, where it is written “No Control Scheme”, add a control scheme with gamepad / keyboard / …


Thank you for the patience! I appreciate! You awnsered my two posts. Now I can select other options.


I’m getting what I thought was the same issue, but when I try to search, or listen, there’s only Usages there.
I even copied the

You can see my Project settings have them defined…:

I can access Gamepad.current in code though.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!

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I’m having the same problem as
HoecusPocus. Any Ideas?
EDIT: Okay, I removed all supportede devices in project settings>Input system package and its now working again

This is a bug for sure. I’ve spent the last two hours trying to hunt down for a reason for this error and its solution is even more puzzling than the error itself. Why even add specific controllers if then we won’t have access to them?

Hey I had the same problem and fixed it by just removing all the devices from the supported device menu you’re showing, hope that helps

Probably too late now, but for other people having this issue. Not only do you need to select the control scheme for the binding, but you also need to change your visible control schemes at the top left to the specific control scheme you want to choose from. Having it on ‘All Control Schemes’ doesn’t work for some reason. Probably a bug, just spent the last 15 minutes trying to figure out why listen for input wasn’t working and I’m pretty sure this is the issue.

I didn’t used to have this issue so either this is a new problem or I didn’t have any kind of control schemes set up before when I was making inputs, so getting rid of your control schemes all together is another solution (by the sounds of the rest of this thread).


This is still happening in Input System 1.0.2

This is still happening in input System 1.2.0, I just can’t find keyboard for some reason, I’ve been fighting bugs with the “new” input system for the past couple of days, trying to make a simple task.