Hi there! I am building a 360-degree video app that projects a MovieTexture onto a sphere. However, I’m having trouble importing the rather large video texture (150MB). Unity always hangs and the loading icon continues indefinitely.
I can force-quit Unity and restart to continue working, but I get this message after the restart:[quote]
Automatic import for ‘Assets/StreamingAssets/video.mp4’ was disabled because the asset importer crashed on it last time.
Force-quitting also seems to corrupt the file. The asset icon is different (it’s a Quicktime logo instead of a “filmstrip”), I can’t expand it to see the embedded audio clip, and when I try to assign it as a MovieTexture, it’s not displayed in the asset list dialog.
When I try the above with smaller files, they successfully import, and I can use them no problem. Same settings, just a shorter video.
Has anybody encountered this before, and do you have any fixes or workarounds? I am using Unity 4.6.4f on OSX 10.10.2.
In my opinion, the best way to do that is leaving the movie out of the project, loading it at runtime with EasyMovieTexture.
Importing a huge movie in Unity requires a very long time, as you discovered, and could also cause crashes as the project size grows over a certain limit.