Webm related: https://webmshare.com/eQqqY
I process a compute buffer of positions and other parameters, set to a material and draw with
Graphics.DrawMeshInstancedIndirect(baseMesh[lodLevel], 0, material, bounds, argsBuffer, 0, null, shadowCastingMode, receiveShadows);
When I save a file in visual studio, even when it’s on debug mode (which don’t let me change an file but shader files), something reloads in Unity and my grass stop working.
I assume my shaders are being reloaded, and then my compute buffers nuked, but I don’t know, because even with all values at zero, some broken grass should be drawing, but it’s literally empty.
Since each block of 8x8x8 have it’s own buffers, each of them have their own copy of the base material made with the instanced shader, in case this somehow could be the culprint
Was a mistake to use compute buffers for this and I should have stuck to images?