[SOLVED-ish]How do i get the callback that triggers MsgType.Owner?


Following the guide on http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/UNetSpawning.html

I have reached "A network message of type MsgType.Owner is sent to the client that added the player (only that client!) "

Not sure if this is required or what this message actually contains, but how do i capture this network message?


I just found out it should be triggered by OnOwnerMessage( ) according to the dev-logs MsgType.Owner is 4

as of yet it is not triggering though…

use OnStartLocalPlayer.

@seanr I was about to edit my message…

OnStartLocalPlayer doesnt trigger in my main script or playerscript

you cant trap the owner message, it is an internal system message. Anyway, it causes OnStartLocalPlayer to be called.

What are you actually trying to do?

Learning all about this wonderfull HLAPI UNET ofcourse! :stuck_out_tongue:

I am trying to figure out what is possible and how to approach it codewise…
i have managed to setup a standalone server and client, with player spawn.

My next goal is having the client move about; hoping the server is authoritative and the NetworkTransform of the player movement is synced (Interpolation/Extrapolation) ?

In any case OnStartLocalPlayer is not triggering on the player script, however, isLocalPlayer is set to true, so i am assuming it works…