[Solved] Matchmaking is not working?

I am trying to use UNet in my game, and I using Unity version 5.3.4f1.
I had a problem about matchmaking is not working.

Here’s my process:

  • Start the game and see the Network manager HUD.
  • Select “Enable Match Maker”.
  • Press “Create Internet Match”.
  • Then the following logs show up and nothing happened.

MatchMakingClient Create :https://mm.unet.unity3d.com/json/reply/CreateMatchRequest

System.FormatException: FAILURE Returned from server: Failed; Unknown appId=996753, please verify project setup athttps://multiplayer.unity3d.com/
at UnityEngine.Networking.Match.Response.Parse (System.Object obj) [0x0003e] in C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime\Networking\Managed\UNETInterface.cs:214
at UnityEngine.Networking.Match.CreateMatchResponse.Parse (System.Object obj) [0x00000] in C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime\Networking\Managed\UNETInterface.cs:322
at UnityEngine.Networking.Match.NetworkMatch+c__Iterator01[UnityEngine.Networking.Match.CreateMatchResponse].MoveNext () [0x0009c] in C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime\Networking\Managed\MatchMakingClient.cs:276 UnityEngine.Networking.Match.<ProcessMatchResponse>c__Iterator01:MoveNext()

JSON Response: [[UnityEngine.Networking.Match.CreateMatchResponse]-success:False-extendedInfo:Failed; Unknown appId=996753, please verify project setup at https://multiplayer.unity3d.com/]-address:,port:0,networkId:0x0000000000000000,nodeId:0x0000,usingRelay:False

Create Failed:[[UnityEngine.Networking.Match.CreateMatchResponse]-success:False-extendedInfo:Failed; Unknown appId=996753, please verify project setup at https://multiplayer.unity3d.com/]-address:,port:0,networkId:0x0000000000000000,nodeId:0x0000,usingRelay:False

I have set the project’s multiplayer service, and I also tried to link new project services.
None of these solve the problem.
I searched the forum but seems no much information about this problem.
Hope someone can help me please!!!

This error generally indicates you need to set up your game’s config for the max number of players per match under the multiplayer section of https://multiplayer.unity3d.com/


Thanks for replying!

I have already set the “Max players per room” part to 6.
Also, the services tab also show 6.
The following screenshot is the services tab I mentioned.


Is there any solution to this problem?

Hi @Cliff-Lee
We’re looking at it on our side. It’s possible this only affects your account in one data center. Are you able to use any specific URL as a workaround?
The default url for the matchmaker is mm.unet.unity3d.com but we also support directly connecting via region specific urls. Those are us1-mm.unet.unity3d.com, ap1-mm.unet.unity3d.com, and eu1-mm.unet.unity3d.com.

I have tried the region specific urls you listed, but got the same results.

We’ve deployed a fix today for a similar issue which likely also affected you (notice how the global CCU value is empty in the screenshot you posted, this addresses that). Could you try again?

It is working!!!
So it was the global CCU that blocked me from matchmaking?
Thanks a lot!!!

Have the same problem

I think server was down, now it works, thank you!

I can create an internet match but not join one. I was able to in previous builds but not new ones

I have the same problem

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