(Solved) Mecanim root motion in world space.


I have created simple humanoid character animation inside my world to use as cutscene.
I extracted every animation alone without geometry as fbx and also the world geometry itself as fbx.
I imported the fbx of character animations along with the world fbx and my rigged characters into unity
When I apply the animation it plays correctly and the root animation is applied but always start from the origin of the scene and increment from there, so the character is running in the wrong place.

To make sure everything is right, I re-imported into a new scene of maya the world fbx and the animation fbx, and everything is working correctly.

As of the import settings for the animation, I unchecked ‘Bake Into Pose’ and used ‘Based upon Original’ in all three options.
Actually I got it working, then it stopped working after I deleted and re-imported them and done some changes to the settings and the code which does not seem related to the issue.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Strangely enough, when I click something in the scene view, the characters seems to jump to their right place. :face_with_spiral_eyes:
In addition to that if I did not interfere in the scene view by doing anything, I sometimes get different results playing the animation. :eyes:

OK I understand now that I should have based the culling mode of the Animator component to ‘Always Animate’, that way the cut scene objects that start behind the camera move correctly until they appear in the view. :slight_smile:
Thanks everyone for your support. :smile: