I’m having a problem with my client players, if i start the script in a [Command] method, it does change my SyncVars on the server, but it DOESN’T change the unsync private ones inside it … and if i start the script with a non-command method, it changes the private/public vars normally but when i make it call a [Command] after some those changes, it says i don’t have authority to do so [on the console], although i am the local player(in this case, the client.) and the script is indeed attached to the player with a local player network identity…
Also, if i make the first method non-command, i can’t change a SyncVar to start the hook …
just calling a non-command method from a [Command] method seems to carry the “authority” of a command so it won’t change normal Vars either.
I’ve been making my way around it by settling things with a command FIRST and then changing a SynVar with a hook and THAT HOOK starts a non-command method which changes the other variables i want to change… My guess is that the hook calling the non-command method emerge from the script it self, so i has no longe the [Command] factor to it, therefore, it changes my normal vars…
Is this the only way to that? or am i doing something wrong?