Hi guys
I’m working on a script for a wave spawner when i lauch the game the script start i get this error
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
ZombieGameMode.Update () (at Assets/Mes Asset/Script/JeuInfo/ZombieGameMode.js:50)
I’ve checked in the Inspector and both of the variable are set i’ve try a lot of thing and it doesn’t fix it (Sorry for my english i’m frebch btw)
Here is my script :
#pragma strict
import UnityEngine.UI;
var Second : int = 00;
var Minute : int = 00;
var Wave : int = 00;
var WaveTimer : int = 00 ;
var boucle : boolean = false;
var TimerUI : Text ;
var WaveUI : Text ;
var ennemy1 : GameObject;
private var spawnSpawner : int ;
private var SpawnNumber : int ;
var Spawn : int ;
var SpawnCount : int = 10 ;
public var AllSpawner : GameObject[];
function Start () {
AllSpawner = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Spawner"); ;
SpawnNumber = AllSpawner.length ;
function Update () {
//Veriffier toute les frame les seconde
if (boucle == false){
boucle= true ;
if(Second == 60){
Minute = Minute + 1;
Second = 0 ;
if(Minute == WaveTimer ){
WaveTimer = WaveTimer +1;
Wave = Wave + 1 ;
SpawnCount = SpawnCount*1.5 ;
//Ubdate le time
TimerUI.text= Minute+" : "+Second;
//Ubdate les wave
WaveUI.text = "Wave : "+ Wave ;
function Spawns(){
spawnSpawner = SpawnCount/SpawnNumber ;
for(var i=0; i < spawnSpawner;i++){
for(var Place : GameObject in AllSpawner){
yield WaitForSeconds(1);
var position = Place.transform.position ;
Instantiate (ennemy1,position,transform.rotation) ;
//Ajouter une seconde toute les seconde
function Secondcount(){
Second = Second + 1 ;
yield WaitForSeconds(2);
boucle = false ;