[SOLVED] Part of my code not running the second time.


So I made a function that initialy spawns an ammo pack prefab after an interval.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

/// <summary>
/// SG 
/// You can add item prefabs and spawnlocations, set a delay between spawn and the place / item is random
/// </summary>
public class PickupSpawner : MonoBehaviour
    public static PickupSpawner _ps;
    public float pickupDeliveryTimeMin = 10f;       // Delay on delivery.
    public float pickupDeliveryTimeMax = 30f;
    public Transform[] spawnPoints; //were do we spawn the items?
    public Transform[] ItemPrefabs; //what items can we spawn?

    void Start ()
        if (_ps == null)
            _ps = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GM").GetComponent<PickupSpawner>();

        // Start the first delivery.

        if (spawnPoints.Length == 0)
            Debug.LogError("No spawn points referenced.");
    void SpawnUpgrade()
        Transform _upgrade = ItemPrefabs[Random.Range(0, ItemPrefabs.Length)];
        Debug.Log("Spawning Upgrade: " + _upgrade.name);

        Transform _sp = spawnPoints[Random.Range(0, spawnPoints.Length)];
        Instantiate(_upgrade, _sp.position, _sp.rotation);
    public IEnumerator InstatiatePickup(bool randomDelay)
         // Wait for the delivery delay.
            float randomPickupDeliveryTime = Random.Range(pickupDeliveryTimeMin, pickupDeliveryTimeMax);
            Debug.Log("Waiting for " + randomPickupDeliveryTime + " seconds.");
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(randomPickupDeliveryTime);


So initially it is spawned by the script itself, the second time I call it when i trigger (pickup) the ammo pack.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

/// <summary>
/// SG
/// This code will determine if the object it is attached to has triggered a overlap with a collider object.
/// </summary>

public class PickUpTrigger : MonoBehaviour
     public static PickUpTrigger PUT;

    void Start()
           PUT = gameObject.GetComponent<PickUpTrigger>(); ;

    void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D col)
         //Debug.Log(gameObject.name + " has collided with " + col.gameObject.name);
        if (col.gameObject.tag == ("Player1") || col.gameObject.tag == ("Player2") || col.gameObject.tag == ("Player3") || col.gameObject.tag == ("Player4"))
            destroyItem(gameObject, 0, true);
            Debug.Log("We should be giving the command to make new delivery of bullets!");
           StartCoroutine( PickupSpawner._ps.InstatiatePickup(true));
    public static void destroyItem(GameObject objectInNeedOfDestruction, float destroyTimer, bool hit)
        Destroy(objectInNeedOfDestruction, destroyTimer);

The weird thing is that it does execute a part of the code a second time, if you see the log:

But I can wait as long as I want, it doesn’t spawn.
I tried to add the script to this gameobject aswel to make an instant reference, tried to declare it some other way. Nothing seems to work.

Thanks for the help!

The PickUpTrigger object starts the coroutine then destroys itself, which causes the coroutine to cease execution. You need to start the coroutine on an object that survives for the entirely duration of the coroutine.

On line 26 of PickUpTrigger, try: PickUpSpawner._ps.StartCoroutine( PickupSpawner._ps.InstantiatePickup(true));

Thanks! This works. Although I ended up changing the way the respawn is triggered, not by a pickup, but by a random delay after the last spawn, it’s easier to do and it doesn’t change the overall gameplay (because my previous way also triggered a random delay so the diference is small) I now destroy the ammo pack after a delay from within the code it was spawned in the first place.

But I already used your solution to fix the same issue with my bullets! thank you.