[Solved] Perforce issue when working on prefabs

I am using the built in perforce. It is working great. However when I work on a prefab after everything I do it freezes for a few seconds (20 -30) and then I can work again. So if I size something it freezes. If I move an object as soon as I let go it freezes. It only happens when I work inside a prefab. I do have the prefab check out. Here are my settings for perforce


Does it still happen if you disable Perforce support?


I will give it a try when I get home. I didn’t have the issue with this project (or ever before) until I started using perforce. It seems as if it is automatically checking out and in the prefab each time. It takes about the same amount of time as when I check it in manually.

Well I didn’t see this before

The auto save was checked causing the issue. This is on the prefab level. I unchecked it and it now works smoothly.

Ah now that you mention it I saw the same thing happening with auto-save at one point, and I disabled it to work around the freeze. I’m not using the Perforce integration so I think it’s unrelated to that. I forget what I did to fix it - probably restarted Unity and it started working again :confused: