[Solved]PolyBrush displace from a position?

Hi, I would like to use polybrush to work on a sphere but want to displace from center or vector3(0,0,0)
only options i see are planar or vertex normal.

is it possible? if not i could put that in myself but dont know where to look.
Or maybe there is another tool for this?

in case anyone cares change line 99 in z_BrushModeRaiseLower.cs to:
n = hit.position - new Vector3(0,0,0);//normalLookup[index];

Thanks for sharing your solution! If you have time, it’d be interesting to see some images/video of the result, might help others, and maybe it’s something we should consider adding as an option? Thanks!

Cool! would be great to have this as an option or maybe be able to assign a position to displace from?
ill be sure and post some pics when we r ready.

Looks like we are gonne be using this tool quite a bit. you guys want feedback?

Thanks! Feedback is always great, definitely :slight_smile:

Getting these warnings in v: 2019.1.10f1

Assets/ProCore/Polybrush/Code/Editor/Brush Modes/z_BrushModePrefab.cs(249,23): warning CS0618: 'PrefabUtility.ConnectGameObjectToPrefab(GameObject, GameObject)' is obsolete: 'Use RevertPrefabInstance. Prefabs instances can no longer be connected to Prefab Assets they are not an instance of to begin with.'

Assets/ProCore/Polybrush/Code/Editor/Interface/z_Editor.cs(224,4): warning CS0618: 'SceneView.onSceneGUIDelegate' is obsolete: 'onSceneGUIDelegate has been deprecated. Use duringSceneGui instead.'

Assets/ProCore/Polybrush/Code/Editor/Interface/z_Editor.cs(225,4): warning CS0618: 'SceneView.onSceneGUIDelegate' is obsolete: 'onSceneGUIDelegate has been deprecated. Use duringSceneGui instead.'

Assets/ProCore/Polybrush/Code/Editor/Interface/z_Editor.cs(246,4): warning CS0618: 'SceneView.onSceneGUIDelegate' is obsolete: 'onSceneGUIDelegate has been deprecated. Use duringSceneGui instead.'

looks like a good bit of depreciated code is being used. seeing this spam:

Failed to find method GradientField in type UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout