[SOLVED] Problem with Unity's Scene Management


I have a problem with Unity Scene Management, so it was like this,
I tried to load another scene via AsyncLoadScene, but it always returns -1.
The scene I want to load already in Build Settings.

When I tried to make a Debug.Log(SceneManagement.GetSceneByName(“SceneName”)) on Awake function it returns -1
I also test to debug log SceneManagement.sceneCount and it returns 1, but SceneManagement.sceneCountInBuildSettings returns 3.

Example, I got 2 scenes, 1 is named A, and 2 is named B.
I try to debug log get active scene name on A scene, returns A, try to Load A scene, and works.
I try to debug log get scene by name B from A, it returns -1. Try to load B scene from A, returns -1.

And yes, I don’t forget about using UnityEngine.SceneManagement.

The problem probably located on SceneManagement. I just don’t get it why and how unity can returns 1 even I already add it to my Build Settings. I miss Application.LoadLevel.

Thanks for any answers.

Helloo… Anyone ???

A: Post the script
B: Are you 100% sure the scene is spelt correctly?

using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ChangeScene : MonoBehaviour {

    public string sceneToLoad;

    void Awake(){
print(SceneManager.GetSceneByName(sceneToLoad).buildIndex + " | " + SceneManager.GetSceneByName(sceneToLoad).name); //Prints -1 if you try to load other scene that has no same name with current active scene. Which mean there's only 1 scene in sceneCount, but there are 3 scenes in sceneCountInBuildSettings

sceneToLoad value has same string with scene name on asset folder and build setting window. Also case sensitive

Pfft… I was asking to a wall…