[SOLVED] Problems with rotations/scale of models imported from Blender

Using Unity 4.6.3.

Hopefully someone can help me out here and let me know what it is I am doing wrong.
I have a blender (verion 2.73) file with a mesh. When I import it and create a game object from the model, the rotations and scales are very strange. Please see the screen shots.
The first screenshot shows the 3d model in blender
The second screenshot shows the rotations and scales after I simply drag the blender file into the scene.
Then, I go and add a sphere to the blender file, and then the scale of the game object in Unity is changed to all 1.(Third screenshot).
I am having this problem across the board.
I dont understand why the rotations and scales are strange values, and why they change when the items are added/removed from the blender file.
Thank you.


Me - Max user so terms may be different.

Before bringing your blender mesh into Unity it is best practice to (terms may be different here) zero out the scale data, reset transform, freeze transforms, reset the scale to all read 100% on all x,y,z axis. In blender it may read 1.0 instead of 100%. I don’t know.
In Max it is called resetting the transforms so your scale values on all axis reads 100%.
After doing this the scale should read correctly in Unity regardless of other mesh objects in the scene.

Note: On your last screen shot a sphere isn’t being added to the blender file. A sphere is being added to the Unity scene with the blender chain link mesh already in the scene.
It helps to have accurate descriptions.

Hope this helped out. If not re-post and we’ll see if we can find a solution.


The sphere was not added to the unity scene, it was added to the blender file. The last screenshot in fact shows how the chain link mesh changed after the sphere was added to the blender file, and then re-imported. The sphere isnt showing because it is “under” the ground plane. if you look at the very bottom of the screenshot, you can see the chainlink fence thumbnail now showing a small white dot, that is the sphere in the blender file.
I will try your suggestions and let you know how it goes. THanks.

Oh crap! Total misunderstanding on my part @ArachnidAnimal My apologies.

So what’s the proper terminology in blender to reset the scale data?

The rotation data is odd. Are you exporting as fbx or using the .blend file?

i tried your suggestions you said and it seems to work now. The process is a bit strange in blender. you have to meticulously rotate and move the mesh until it is as straight and even as you can get it and then do “ctrl-A” then choose “Apply Rotations and Locations”. This resets the transform location and rotations to 0,0,0 in blender. Then it imports into unity fine. It is just very misleading when you import it into Unity because what you see in unity is not what you see in blender unless the rotations and transform position is set to 0,0,0 in blender. This was driving me crazy for some time.
I dont export as FBX. I just use the real-time .blend imports.
Thanks for your help.