I’m currently experiencing a lot of difficulties using the Glyphicons font with Unity. Either the font doesn’t show any character or it shows little squares with question marks. I’m using the UI Text element to display the text in this font.
The font is in the otf format. I’ve also converted it to ttf, to see whether that would make a difference. I’ve also tried it using code and changing the character set of the document (UTF-16, UTF-8, and ISO 8859-15). I tried changing the default ‘Dynamic’ value for the Character setting to Unicode, but also without success.
The weird thing is that some of the characters work, but others don’t. The best I could come up with looks like this on iOS:
One character shows, while the others don’t. Some characters I can copy/paste to MonoDevelop, others I can’t. Some characters work when I use the GUI of Unity and paste them in the properties panel, but more often than not they don’t work.
I can’t seem to determine where the issue lies and I’m afraid I’ll have to revert back to using images instead of a scalable font.
Did someone get the Glyphicons font to work with Unity? If so, how did you get it to work? Suggestions and ideas are also very welcome!
Thanks in advance.
With kind regards,