[SOLVED]Receiving Error SendByChannel with sending Lists

I am probably overlooking something, but are you able to send over Lists with SendByChannel?

public class MsgEntityPositionUpdate : MessageBase
    public List<Guid>       guid;
    public List<Vector3>    position;
    public List<float>      angleTorso;


            var msgEntityPositionUpdate         = new MsgEntityPositionUpdate( );
            msgEntityPositionUpdate.guid        = new List<Guid>( );
            msgEntityPositionUpdate.position    = new List<Vector3>( );
            msgEntityPositionUpdate.angleTorso  = new List<float>( );

            msgEntityPositionUpdate.guid.Add( user.Key );
            user.Value.networkConnection.SendByChannel( MsgTypeCustom.EntityPositionUpdate, msgEntityPositionUpdate, ChannelReliableSequenced );


    private void OnEntityPositionUpdate_C( NetworkMessage networkMessage )
        var msgEntityPositionUpdate = networkMessage.ReadMessage<MsgEntityPositionUpdate>( );
        Debug.Log( msgEntityPositionUpdate.guid[ 0 ] );


you cannot send generic List<>s, although you can send arrays.

ah… thanks!