[SOLVED]Rendering camera's view to a texture

I was playing around with Unity’s render textures where you can render a camera’s view onto a texture. However, I noticed that it doesn’t render the entire camera’s view. It only renders a square slice of the camera’s view.

What I’m trying is to get the entire view of the camera(16:9 aspect ratio) rendered onto a texture(also 16:9 aspect ratio). But right now it only seems to be able to project a square slice of its view on a square surface. Is there any kind of solution to this?

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I seemed to have solved my own problem. The tutorial found here will provide you with a project that does exactly what I requested :slight_smile: http://unity.grogansoft.com/in-game-security-camera-using-render-texture/


Thank you for this brother! was looking for something like this, I could do that easily on XNA, but was having trouble getting it right on unity, cheers!

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