[SOLVED] Shader warnings due to the use of UNITY_MATRIX_MVP

Hi guys,

Could you please add a #pragma directive or custom shader define to avoid the Editor show warnings due to the use of UNITY_MATRIX_MVP?
I think a conditional still dumps the console warning:

#if UNITY_VERSION >= 540
  o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
o.pos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex)


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@Kronnect , send like a good suggestion. If you get no response here, maybe worthy of a bug report?

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Iā€™m afraid lot of projects will be flooded with these kind of warnings even if the conditional is there. Hope the bug report helps push through this suggestion.


Look at one of the pinned threads right at the top: Regarding UNITY_MATRIX_MVP and UnityObjectToClipPos... - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions

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Cool. Just missed it! Thanks, good direction!