[SOLVED] Steamworks Action Manifest file path not found [SOLUTION]

I took me a long time to figure this issue just because it isn’t well documented. I hope this is going to help others.

When you try to upload your game on Steam, I have noticed that if I use the SteamVR input system something goes wrong when you play the game through steam.

The VR headset will get assigned to the available camera available in the current scene but the controllers won’t appear or won’t work.
Once you open up the controller bindings from SteamVR settings, you ll have a message saying that the file path for the file “actions.json” couldn’t be found.

[Solution] Go to Steamworks, admin settings > Applications > Virtual Reality >Steam VR Input System and replace the path with this formatting:

C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Wall Breaker VR\\WallBreakerOfficial_Data\\StreamingAssets\\SteamVR\\actions.json

(for a specific path)

If you want it to work even when you move the installation folder when you install the game from Steam the use this path format:


Reach me out or answer here below if you have questions

Once updated that file path, you have to check if you have an incorrect destination installation file path for the game. To fix that uninstall the game, and delete the installation folder. Then Install it again and the correct path will come out.

I have exactly same problem. I’m beginner with Steamworks and Unity. I tried putting that specific path. The actions.json couldn’t be found error is now gone in SteamVR binding settings. I reinstalled the game. Still controllers aren’t working. I also reinstalled Steam completely but no luck. What should I do next @johnsietsma?,I have exactly same problem. I’m beginner with Steamworks and Unity. Controllers aren’t working when I play my game through Steam. Controller bindings in Steam VR settings gives that actions.json couldn’t found error. If I run exe-file in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\mygame everything is working. I tried that for a specific path way and error in the SteamVR settings is done. Like you adviced I also uninstalled the game. Still controllers aren’t working in my game! I also reinstalled Steam but no luck. What should I do next @johnsietsma?

I had a similar issue, and this question helped me find the answer, which was a little different. My issue was that the path was missing the actions.json file at the end. This needs to be included. Probably seems obvious, but its worth checking.

Also worth noting, the formatting that is mentioned in the accepted answer seems to be automatically applied in the steamworks publish file (if you check out the diff you should see it). So for me, the solution was single slashes, and making sure the path ended in /actions.json

I followed the recommended path in the readme (with forward slashes) and it worked. I had to restart my steam client a few times and steam vr to get it to sync: