[Solved] to assign a serialize-field property in other class via editor class

Hello guys, here’s my situation.

Here’s a class to storage some data.

public class MyData
    string str;

    List<string> list;

public class MainClass : ScriptableObject
    MyData data;

And then I’d like to change assign the value via editor.

public class MainClassEditor : Editor
    MainClass source;
    SerializedProperty data;

    void OnEnable()
        source = target as StoryScript;
        data = serializedObject.FindProperty("data");
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(data, true);

I could assign the data class value from inspector panel, it works fine.

But I have no idea how to assign the values via script in editor class.

Is here any way could do that?


var data = serializedObject.FindProperty("data");
data.FindPropertyRelative("str").stringValue = "Test";