I first tried the non-beta Unity Hub, but that one crashed immediately with no sign of what went wrong.
So I switched to 3.0.0.
The desktop file doesn’t seem to work, so I started it via the terminal.
It takes about 1-2 minutes for a window to appear, with some error messages in the terminal:
Checking for update
Error: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/opt/unityhub/resources/app-update.yml'
(electron) Security Warning: A WebContents was just created with both webviewTag and contextIsolation enabled. This combination is fundamentally less secure and effectively bypasses the protections of contextIsolation. We strongly recommend you move away from webviews to OOPIF or BrowserView in order for your app to be more secure
Then, after about 2-3 minutes the window finished loading. “Welcome to the new Hub”.
But what I currently can’t get to work is to activate a personal license. When I click on “Agree and get personal edition license” it takes about 1-2 minutes again and then I get an error in the terminal:
Error occurred in handler for 'licenses/activateLicense': Error: ERROR.LICENSE.SERVER.GENERIC
at LicenseService.<anonymous> (/opt/unityhub/resources/app.asar/build/main/services/licenseService/licenseService.js:136:23)
at Generator.throw (<anonymous>)
at rejected (/opt/unityhub/resources/app.asar/build/main/services/licenseService/licenseService.js:6:65)
Trying it via “Manage licenses” gets the same result.
I kind of fixed the first error with the app-update.yml by copying the app-update.yml from a Windows installation. That seems to make that error go away. But the main problem is the license, since I cannot open an Editor without the license.