[Solved] unity IAP testing - Two problems


We currently have two issues we would like to solve with unity IAP service.

First, when we buy item form google play, menu is not refreshed properly and button still showing item can be buy. After restarting application, everything works. How to force refresh IAP and buttons?

Also, we have set some user as test users who can buy items for “free”. Is there way to reset their purchase? so we can continue IAP testing without recreating new items?

Thank you.

Unity IAP does not have any buttons, it is an API. Are you using some sort of framework to present your store?

You can cancel purchases from your google play publisher account to set them back to the unpurchased state.

Well, we are using just simple UI. When item is bought, button should be set to interactable. But we are hitting some issues here and there. For example everything works when we start the game and go directly into shop, buy item, button switch to on. However when we play the game, return to main menu, open the shop, shop shows purchasable items, however upon buying, button will keep to be grayed. Until application is reset. This our most recent issue. :confused:

And thank for info about google play merchant :slight_smile: helped a lot.