[SOLVED] Unity Remote 5 not working

OK, still not working, this is some lame ass thing there, it used to work no problem. What has been done?!

I need to deploy to test now :frowning:

[working for Me ]

So what I did is

  1. I downloaded the android version of my phone in android studio’s SDK manager
  2. I copied the download location where it was installing
    3.I changed manually specify the Android SDK Tools in the Unity->Preferences>External Tools>Android(second checkbox) . to where I installed the SDK
    4.Enabled USB debugging in my phone and USB setting as connect as PTP
    5.Launched the Unity remote and played
    BOOM its working… Thanks
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What’s android studio sdk manager?

Don’t tell me I have to download Android Studio?

OK I installed android studio but when I change the sdk folder in unity to the install folder I get:
“You are not using the recommended android sdk tools…”

And as is it still is NOT working.

Which folder do you have to put there?

Geez I eventually made it work, I have no idea how… :frowning:

Also, the UI is completely different than in the dev environment. :confused:

I recently had to get Unity Remote for Android working on a couple of computers for a project, so I put together an article after all the trials and tribulations I went through. Hopefully, no one else will have to go through what I did :hushed:

Here’s my 2020 guide to getting Unity Remote working, for anyone else looking for answers on this topic: https://blog.terresquall.com/2020/05/getting-unity-remote-for-android-to-work-on-windows/


Okay this definitely worked for me. Seems like the internal SDK installed with Unity 2019 version is broken. I strongly suggested downloading SDK and have Unity external tools point to it. Repeat do not use the recommended internal SDK in unity

Hi guys,

I have also spent a couple of hours trying to get Unity remote to work with Unity version 2019.3.14f and I’ve finally got it working using the Android SDK installed via Unity Hub.

These are the things I tried:

  • Installed the Google USB driver as per terresquall’s blog post here (thanks for your work there).
  • Open the project in Unity goto File > Build Settings… make sure Android selected as the platform and verify you can see your connected Android device in “Run Device”.
  • Edit > Preferences > External Tools. Click “Copy Path” button under “Android SDK Tools installed with Unity”. Unselect the checkbox for “Android SDK Tools installed with Unity (recommended)” and paste or browse to the path you just copied. Oddly this will result in a warning that you are not using the recommended Android SDK tools.
  • Save and close Unity, restart your PC and Android device for good measure. Make sure your Android is still connected via USB. Start the Unity remote 5 app on your Android and load the project back up in Unity.
  • Go back to Edit > Preferences > External Tools and check the checkbox for “Android SDK Tools installed with Unity (recommended)”.
  • Press Play on the editor and if all is going well, it will take just a little bit longer than usual to start and you should see the game viewport mirrored on your device.

TLDR: muck around with the checkbox / path for the recommended Android SDK Tools or have it point to an externally downloaded version of the Android SDK like the other guys have suggested.

Also if things are going well with the Unity remote app the available aspect ratios should get updated for the wider range used across mobile devices. You will want to pick an aspect that matches what you expect to see on your mobile or the screen might look skewed, especially for UI.

Anyhow, I hope this saves someone else some time and headache.

5913155--631532--aspect ratios.jpg


Hey UMatthew, thanks for your post. Strangely I found many solutions for resolving Unity Remote 5 connection issues but none of them worked for me. Finally I came up with yours and frankly I tried it without faith but it worked!! Thanks man… I wish Unity would provide more information on making Remote app work. It’s really a great tool but it’s quiet difficult to make it work.

OK I can’t make it work again… seriously, is this even looked into?

Following this:

I’m unable to make Unity Remote 5 work. :frowning:

For info I had no problem compiling and deploying to the tablet…

This issue is still not solved, unity remote 5 desperatly does NOT show the debugging app.

Tried with a mobile phone, does the same…

been going at this for about 6 hours now and same issue for me.
What is great is i can use the andriod logcat and get a screen capture of my phone without issue. I can see the lag and comms from the phone and unity.
I can build and run from unity and the app auto loads the phone. But for the life of me nothing seems to get the live PLAY test to work…

FYI 2020.1 came out and with it an alternative game windo allowing, apparently, to better see how the application will behave on certain devices.

Unity Remote will stay as bad as it is so I guess it’s our best bet.

Hopefully once the app is tested we won’t get any surprises on deploy.

If more people were like you there’d be no war. You’ve saved my sanity, thank you.

This worked for me thank you!! <3

no fix provided here works, and the funny fact is that unity remote worked two months ago with the same project and device. Just did the same steps that always worked. first connect the device, open unity remote, then open the project, click play. should had worked as it always did in the past. but nope.

building and running the project successfully builds and upload the apk to the device and it automatically opens it.

there is a different version of unity remote maybe unity remote 2020 or something? this is an essential piece of software

I want to add to the chorus - this worked for me!

I was having issues with unity remote for a week now. Finally I got it working , I’ll list all the things I did.

  1. Everything was downloaded from Unity Hub , the SDK , NDK ,JDK .
  2. Go to Edit > Project settings > Editor > Device and choose any android device and set your joystick source to Remote.
  3. Now go to Edit > Preferences > External Tools > Android and make sure your SDK , JDK and NDK are setup properly.
  4. On your android device , make sure USB debugging is enabled .
  5. When you connect your device to your computer , it should be in PTP mode
  6. IMPORTANT Now you need to install Android Studio . Open Android Studio , go to SDK Manager > SDK Tools and install Google USB Driver.

PS - I’m currently using Unity 2020.1.0f1
Also , I found a video which I think covers every point that I mentioned



ok got it working, when using the recommended JDK and ASK path, unity was wrongly using paths from a different version that was not even installed. It didn’t wanted for me to manually edit the paths either. I finally fix it by opening the 2020 version of the editor and manually setting it up to 2020 paths. then finally it let me fix manually the 2019 version

I don’t know what happened but probably the 2020 messed up some setting for the versions already installed.

go figure