[SOLVED] Uploading my game to STEAM from Mac

Thanks! It was easier than I thought, I prefer the command system now over uploading via the website.

I did the above but I got the following error. Any idea?

/Users/nicolas/Desktop/sdk/tools/ContentBuilder/builder_osx/steamcmd.sh: line 37: /Users/nicolas/Desktop/sdk/tools/ContentBuilder/builder_osx/Steam.AppBundle/Steam/Contents/MacOS/steamcmd: No such file or directory

FAIL: 127

If you are getting the same error as above, you need to follow these steps as outlined in the SteamPipe documentation:

SteamCmd on macOS
To enable SteamCmd on macOS you must complete the following steps:

  • From the terminal, browse to the tools\ContentBuilder\builder_osx\osx32 folder
  • Run chmod +x steamcmd
  • Browse up to the parent folder (tools\ContentBuilder\builder_osx)
  • Type bash ./steamcmd.sh

SteamCmd will then run and update to the latest build, leaving you in the SteamCmd prompt

Type exit and press return to exit the prompt.

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Sorry to bump an old thread, but I found this on a google search and I’m sure someone else will come across this this in the future. Here’s the steps from start to finish to upload from Steam on a Mac:

  1. Download the Steam SDK from here.
  2. Place it where you like, but remember the file path. I placed it in my root user folder for simplicity.
  3. Open up Terminal. (Note: If on Apple Silicon, you may want to check to make sure you’re in an x86 terminal. Not sure what support it has for arm processors. This can be determined via uname -m in the shell, which should return x86_64. If not, right click Terminal in your Applications/Utilities folder and click “Get Info”. Then, tick “Open using Rosetta” and open.
  4. Next, in Terminal navigate to your sdk folder and execute the following commands:
cd sdk/tools/ContentBuilder/builder_osx/
chmod +x steamcmd
bash ./steamcmd.sh

This will do its setup and open up the Steamcmd. You’ll know if it worked if you see Steam>.

  1. Next, type login , substituting your credentials. You will be prompted for your steam guard code after executing if necessary.
  2. Place all of your build files in the sdk/tools/ContentBuilder/content/ folder. For me, I have both a windows and Mac version of my game, so I put them each in “…/content/content_windows/” and “…/content/content_mac/” respectively.
  3. In the Finder, navigate to the sdk/tools/ContentBuilder/scripts" folder and open simple_app_build.vdf in a text editor. This is going to contain some information you will need to change and should look like so:
    "AppID" "1000" // your AppID
    "Desc" "This is a simple build script" // internal description for this build

    "ContentRoot" "..\content\" // root content folder, relative to location of this file
    "BuildOutput" "..\output\" // build output folder for build logs and build cache files

        "1001" // your DepotID
                "LocalPath" "*" // all files from contentroot folder
                "DepotPath" "." // mapped into the root of the depot
                "recursive" "1" // include all subfolders
  1. Change the AppID number to your app ID, Desc to what you want to appear in the build description on steamworks, the number next to DepotID for the depot in question, and then the LocalPath value to where you stored your files (for example, my windows depot was within a subfolder of content, so I entered ./content_windows/* here. If you have additional depots (like a windows and Mac version of your game), copy the “Depots” {…} code and duplicate it, substituting the depot ID and local path values to your other depots.
  2. Save the document as something new, such as your_app_build.vdf.
  3. Go back to the Steam Terminal and execute the following:
run_app_build ..\scripts\your_app_build.vdf

It should upload it and you should see the new depot in your steamworks page. Check to verify that files were added correctly to each depot before publishing. Viola!!


This is exactly what I needed. thank you so much!


Viola! :smile:

Seriously, this helped a ton. I was just trying to use it in a similar way like I did on Windows, where I had no trouble setting it up, but on Mac it kept complaining about not finding files. Looks like it did not like the absolute paths I was using, but using relative paths like you’re suggesting I got it to run finally, so thanks!

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@InfinityBeard and @AlterHaudegen , how do you prepare the Mac build to be uploaded? I try uploading the file as (for example) MyGame.app file, it wouldn’t upload. I tried extracting the contents of MyGame.app into a separate folder and try to upload that folder. That also failed. I have no problem uploading the PC build. Steam terminal just gives me this error: ERROR! Build for depot 2728111 failed : Failure. Any tips on preparing the Mac build would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

You are amazing! This works like charm!