I’m trying to rig a subdivided cube in Blender 2.49. The cube has 4 faces on each side of it, and the it’s stretched to make a cuboid.
I then press space, then select armature, position it where i need it, then extrude it 4 times ( for each ‘section’ of the cuboid). I’ve also here selected the view to ‘x-ray’.
Now I add a armature modifier to the cuboid, and assign the armature I’ve just made.
Now according to all the rigging tutorials in blender I’ve seen, it should now be vaguely working. It isn’t. I’ve tried weight painting the cuboid for each bone, (so one section for each bone), and it still won’t work.
What am I missing here? I’ve tried parenting the armature to the cuboid, that won’t work. Soo… HELP!