...some bp09


b-> http://capped.tv/playeralt.php?vid=lft-turbulence |lft . turbulence . wild 1.
p-> http://capped.tv/playeralt.php?vid=rgba_tbc-elevated |rgba&tbc . elevated . 4k pc 1.
0-> http://capped.tv/playeralt.php?vid=loonies-sult |loonies . sult . 4k pc 3.
9-> http://capped.tv/playeralt.php?vid=anadune_floppy-crush |anadune&floppy . crush . pc 1.
!-> http://capped.tv/playeralt.php?vid=brainstorm-roadside_picnic |brainstorm . roadside picnic . pc 2.

and a game as well, needs c64 emulation (d64):

p-> http://noname.c64.org/csdb/release/download.php?id=97844 |trsi . fortress of narzod . 96k game 2.

I’ve tried 3 different computers and I have yet to get Elevated to work on any of them :frowning:

As the readme suggests you need a fast gfx card like a 8800gtx or hd4850 (due to filesize optimisations) and DirectX beeing installed (d3d9_33.dll). Otherwise you can still enjoy the video, hopefully.

blups blabs blups

im not sure what i just watched, but that was pretty sweet.