Some code works in OnGUI(), some doesn't.

I was trying to make a dev console for my game using simple GUI system.

void OnGUI()
		if (devConsoleToggle)
			devInput = GUI.TextField(new Rect(0, 0, 150, 30), devInput);  //this part works...


			if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Return))
				if (devInput.Split(' ')[0] == "info")
					string commDescToGet = devInput.Split(' ')[1];
					Command commDescToShow = Array.Find(commands, command => == commDescToGet);
					GUI.Label(new Rect(100f, 100f, 20f, 400f), commDescToShow.description);  //...but this doesn't
					devConsoleToggle = false;
		else pauseMenu.SeemsPausedOff();

GUI.TextField works perfectly fine, but GUI.Label doesn’t. I was forced to do it by Unity 4.6’s new UI. Can someone tell me why this isn’t working?

It’s 2017, OnGUI has been dropped years ago.

Why are you still using it?