Some insight would be appreciated

Hi all

I’m new to Unity and could use some insight/advice.

I’m presently working on a game level that’s based on French Quarter architecture. The modelling isn’t especially difficult but I’m trying to decide on what might be the best way to approach the balcony railings as they can get rather elaborate. Any ideas and suggestions would be welcome and appreciated.


I’d probably use alpha-channel png-textures.If the thickness of the railings needs to be modeled I’d import railing vector-form svg-file into Blender or other 3d-modelling software and transform curve to mesh and then extrude it once.

I guess it depends on how close the player or camera will get to the railing, and your desired amount of detail. You might be able to get away with using a material with alpha map cutouts on a flat 2-sided mesh, maybe with normal maps for added illusion. Or completely 3 dimensional. Or 3d rails with alphas for the ornaments.