Hello, in the code below i am trying to get my character to move while keeping its rotation same. I have a rotation command at the top of “FixedUpdate()”. As i press “Fire2” character moves but its rotation in z axis starts to increase and stops at some point around “7” which means it completely ignores my rotation command. This gets fixed when i put the rotation command to method “update()”, which makes zero sense to me. I would be glad if someone explains why this happens.(Rest of the script may be irrelevant but i wanted to put it just in case.)
public Sprite[] idleAnimation;
public Sprite[] jumpingAnimation;
public Sprite[] runAnimation;
public float jumpingVelocity;
public float runningVelocity;
SpriteRenderer mySprite;
Rigidbody2D physics;
int idleAnimNumber=0;
int RunningAnimNumber = 0;
bool idleAnimationControl=true;
bool runningAnimationControl = true;
void Start () {
mySprite = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();
physics = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
void FixedUpdate()
transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0,transform.rotation.y , 0);
physics.velocity = new Vector3(0, physics.velocity.y, 0);
if (Input.GetButton("Fire2"))
physics.velocity = new Vector3(runningVelocity, physics.velocity.y, 0);
if (idleAnimationControl)
mySprite.sprite = idleAnimation[idleAnimNumber];
if (idleAnimNumber == 11)
idleAnimationControl = false;
mySprite.sprite = idleAnimation[idleAnimNumber];
if (idleAnimNumber == 0)
idleAnimationControl = true;
if (physics.velocity.x != 0)
if (runningAnimationControl)
mySprite.sprite = runAnimation[idleAnimNumber];
if (RunningAnimNumber == 17)
runningAnimationControl = false;
mySprite.sprite = runAnimation[idleAnimNumber];
if (RunningAnimNumber == 0)
runningAnimationControl = true;
if (Input.GetButton("Fire1"))
if (physics.velocity.y == 0)
physics.velocity = new Vector3(physics.velocity.x, jumpingVelocity, 0);
if (physics.velocity.y > 0)
mySprite.sprite = jumpingAnimation[0];
else if (physics.velocity.y < 0)
mySprite.sprite = jumpingAnimation[1];