Some moments that I have noticed with Muse

Thanks for inviting. I’m not sure what we should report. Just bug and total feelings? Do “dislike button” works? Should we unhelpfull or bad answers mark as bad?

1 - As longer I use - the badder answers. But after clearing I’ve got normal answer:

2 - Sometimes using Ukrainian language with English causes Internal Server Error. But I’m not sure:

3 - Do we really need those 100,000 apologies before our questions are answered? I mean - should we really spend compute time on this?

I also found it to be overly apologetic which was weirdly grating after awhile. When you submit feedback for a specific message it has a check-box for whether or not the message was appropriate. I think if you leave that unchecked, using the thumbsdown feedback with a note is perfectly reasonable for “vibes”-based feedback!


Hi both! This is a great space for feedback, if you find bugs please report them here at our service desk.
Please see this topic for FAQs on response feedback as well as Muse being apologetic in the Troubleshooting section.
Thank you and keep up the great engagement!

Hei. I think the UI is a bit too large, and the left panel is eating too much space. I guess the team should add a toggle button to hide/show that panel. The main conversation area is not so big, and maybe the UI elements size can be reduced. Great work by the way!

Appreciate the feedback, keep it coming! Thank you :raised_hands:
For internal ref, the above feedback has been captured in -502