Hello there
Can someone help me with this issue ?
My problem is that I can get the sound to work fine when the “Asteroid” Collides with the “Player” but as soon as the Asteroids collide with “Bolt” or “Asteroid”(When it Collides with other asteroids)
it want play any sound at all?
Thanks before hand!
#pragma strict
//Explotion Effects
var ExplotionEffect : GameObject;
var PlayerExplotion : GameObject;
var AsteroidValue = 1;
var LifeValue = 1;
//Player reset function
var PRB : Rigidbody2D;
var UPBolt : GameObject;
//Timer function
var ScreenWait : float;
var DieText : GameObject;
var AsteroidExplotionSound : AudioClip;
function OnTriggerEnter2D(other : Collider2D){
//Get Source
GetComponent.<AudioSource>().clip = AsteroidExplotionSound;
//Makes sure that "Asteroids" and "Boundary" ignores each others Collider2D
if(other.tag == "Boundary"){
//Returns the Collider2D value without Destroying it.
if(other.tag == "Player"){
//Instantiats "PlayerExplotion", when "Player" Collides with "Asteroid"
var PlayerExplotionEffect = Instantiate(PlayerExplotion, other.transform.position, other.transform.rotation);
Destroy(PlayerExplotionEffect, 0.90);
//Instantiates "ExplotionEffect" when "Asteroid" is destroyed
var AsteroidExplotionEffect = Instantiate(ExplotionEffect, transform.position, transform.rotation);
Destroy(AsteroidExplotionEffect, 0.90);
//When "player" is destroyd, waiting time and jumping to "GameOverScreen"
//"Player" Loses a LifePoint
GameMaster.CurrentLifes -= LifeValue;
yield WaitForSeconds(ScreenWait);
if(other.tag == "Bolt"){
//Score Update
GameMaster.CurrentScore += AsteroidValue;
//Instantiates UPBolt PickUp
var PickUp = Instantiate(UPBolt, transform.position, transform.rotation);
Destroy(PickUp, 5);
//Instantiates "ExplotionEffect" when "Asteroid" is destroyed
var AsteroidExplotionEffect2 = Instantiate(ExplotionEffect, transform.position, transform.rotation);
Destroy(AsteroidExplotionEffect2, 0.90);
if(other.tag == "Asteroid"){
//Instantiates "ExplotionEffect" when "Asteroid" is destroyed
var AsteroidExplotionEffect3 = Instantiate(ExplotionEffect, transform.position, transform.rotation);
Destroy(AsteroidExplotionEffect3, 0.90);
if(other.tag == "Wall"){
//Returns the Collider2D value without Destroying it.
if(other.tag == "PickUps"){
//Returns the Collider2D value without Destroying it.
//Destroys everything, which enters Collider2D and itself.