1、In the Playable Graph created by RigBuilder, there is an Animation Ouput that is related to SyncSceneToStream. I read the SyncsceneStream related source code and still don’t understand what this property does. Is the source code so complex that it is difficult to understand its benefits.
2、How can multiple Animation outputs in the same playable graph ensure that output data will not cover each other in ?
Is the output data is an AnimationStream object?
3、I learned the Animation C# Job sample project. I found in FullbodyikJob code that use AnimationHumanStream method to set the Goal and Hint for the skeleton to achieve IK function.
However, It do not use AnimationHumanStream in AnimationRigging, but all the related IK functions are developed using C#. Is it because the UnityEngine’s built-in IK algorithm is flawed?
The purpose of the SyncSceneToStream job is to read back scene values into the animation stream if they were not previously animated in your animation source (e.g. state machine, timeline). This allows animatable properties to be moved by gameplay (scene values), or driven by animation without having that complexity handled in the constraint implementation
PlayableGraph outputs are all connected in a LayerMixer in the Animator. Each output has additional options it can be set with to define how it should be blended with other outputs (link).
Outputs in the AnimationRigging graph are set to read from previous inputs in the stream. As such AnimationRigging acts like post-processing to what came before it.
Animation Rigging was developed as an extensible framework to handle both generic rigs and humanoid rigs. This is why we made the decision to implement constraints that read from transform bones and not from the human description.
However, this does not invalidate the humanoid IK constraints in any way. If you want to implement your custom constraint that drive humanoid characters, this will also work with Animation Rigging.