I was doing some digging in the possibilities to use Unity as a client to render and let the user interact with animations. I have solved a lot of questions myself, but there are still some unanswered:
Can blendshape animation be exported to FBX and imported into Unity? SOLVED: Unity - Manual: Working with blend shapes
Does Unity support sparse blend shapes?
Does Unity support blending the shapes on the GPU? If so, how many shapes?
We use OGRE-like animation blending. Each 3D models has a set of animation clips. Each clip gets a time and a weight. All the active clips are added. Can we import this concept directly into Unity?
Transparent background rendering and capture: The idea is that is must be possible to render without a background (maybe to a separate render target), and then capture the render target so it can be saved as a file (or in our case, send to FFMPEG for video encoding). It seems the asset store already contains a realtime MP4 encoder for NVENC?
Thanks in advance.