Hello! I am new to physically based shaders and I am having a problem. I am trying to convert my old assets from bumped/normal/spec to the new physically based render but my assets appear “washed out” and I am wondering what what to change in and in what maps in order to fix the issue. I tried changing the metal map, the smoothness maps, upping the contrast in the albedo map, messing around in the occlusion map. I have a reflection probe nearby so it should reflect the environment and skybox properly. I am not sure what is going on. If anybody has any information I would really appreciate it. I am also making sure to render in linear mode. Deferred lighting doesn’t seem to change the “wash out” problem either.
On the left is legacy and on the right is my attempt with the metallic workflow. Same below…
You’ll need to re-author the textures to take advantage of the new PBR system.
I would start by removing any lightning information baked in the diffuse texture (Ao, Skylight, Cavity,…etc)
then I would look up reference photos for the type of surfaces I want to achieve.
and Finally, use Unity’s PBR Chart, to make the different maps.
Thanks for the response Botanika! Unfortunately I did create all new textures for the PBR system. I removed all the AO and lighting information from my diffuse map which should turn it into an albedo map, correct? I placed the occlusion information into my ambient occlusion map. Then I created a metal map and a smoothness map using the charts for reference and making sure to input the smoothness map into my alpha channel. I can get much greater contrast if I darken the occlusion map by about 50% but I am not sure if that is an acceptable way of achieving accurate results within the PBS system.
Well, AO is only supposed to occlude indirect lighting, just like in real life. if you darken it too much, your material wont be physically correct anymore, as it may look good in this particular lighting condition, but look bad in another.