Some thoughts about the iPhone...

After playing around with my iPodTouch for some time now i’ve to say that there a things i love and things i really dislike about the device. It both contains heaven and hell, seems like the typical Apple experience to me. :O) Anyway i don’t want to go into this right now but one thing i was thinking about is how much does the way you buy and consume games for the iPhone/iPodTouch alter your behaviour on other systems as well.

For some games the input handling like tapping is so satisfying that, depending on the game you’ve played, it really can be different in a negative way going back to mouse input, so it’s fun going back to the tap input.

Or the prices for the games, whilst he device is restricted too much and the store is not a perfect solution either, it’s easy to deal with for what it offers and the prices for aps/games are quite low. So compared to open portable gaming devices you get less unless you break it but compared to closed portable device it’s cheap and easy. It comes with higher initial costs but if you’re counting in a few games it’s rather cheap.

There already exist a few very good free games for the iPhone so that you don’t even run into the situation that you have to buy some but if you want to, the prices are low compared to prices you’re used to from other downloadable games (portals, indie sites). The usual $20 look really expensive after getting used to the apple store for some time.

Whilst for instance there might be more work done for a typical indie game for the pc platform than for a typical iPhone game, are people getting used to these low prices and spare themselves the other ones? I think this could be true for quite some genres in the casual marktet because you can satisfy certain casual needs a lot cheaper on this device already. Or is the target audience too small that this really has an impact in a larger scale?

Yesterday i had to fill up some apps on a friend’s iPodTouch and again it’s really nice that you can get so many free apps already for the device.

A.o. i downloaded TapDefense, TangramPro, Twizzle, Mahjong, Touch4, Sudoku, SolFree, Trace, BrainFoot, and hey iBanjo! ;O)

I today ordered the first episode of the adventure 1112 and hopefully will find some time to play it. What i find even more interesting than games right now is music software like Bloom, Pro or PocketGuitar, heck that’s really a lot of fun! Kind of reminds me of playing Electroplakton.

Are there any games, apps, free or commercial, which you would recommend?

Shameless self promotion: Pop some bubbles! :slight_smile:

Thanks, i’ll try it. :O)

Wow, 1112 is a good game. I really enjoy the way they implemented the userinterface and the userinput in the game, very nice!

I don’t know, i just like it that i can make pictures with my ingame-handy of gamescences and save them in the picture folder and outside the game they end up in iPhoto were you can grab them. Maybe one of the biggest strengths of OSX/iPOD is just making screenshots, i could make screenshots under OSX the whole day. :O)

Sometimes the ratings on Apple’s store can be quite misleading as the game got quite some low ratings compared to stuff were you afterwards think, well…

Anyway if your interested in adventures, your really should try this one out, otherwise if you haven’t already get A Vampyre Story. :O) (1112) (AVS)