Someone please help with Ik and animator conflicting

Please can anyone help, I have spent days on something which should be simple I hope you are listening Unity… I have a 2d game with a rigged character using built in ik for arms and legs. I have idle and walking animations and I want to be able to change between them and using ik to aim at the mouse location. The ik for aiming works when I have no animations that use the ik for the arms, but as soon as I use any ik animations like idle the aiming no longer works. How is it possible to switch between ik and animator animations? It seems impossible. Why is this so complicated! Any help would be appreciated.

Are you using the IK Manager 2D from the 2D Animation package?

You can set the weight parameter on the IK Manager or Solvers to 0 and activate it (set weight to 1 or anything in between) only when the animation with the IK is being played.

Let me know if that makes sense.