
This is a little unity game I have helped developing:

I’ll give out a limited number of registration codes for testing, if you’re interesed, mail me at joni (at) kagi dott com

The game is pretty much done, so while comments about the general gameplay are appreciated, I’m not sure how much we will change about that at this point. My main interest is hearing if it runs ok on any “reasonable” machine.

Oh, this is a prerelease build, so please don’t circulate the link outside of this forum.

Hi there, I just tried out your game and it rocks! The game play is really original and the game is fun. The graphics are nice and the style is consitent. The gameplay learning curve is a bit higher than any other game, but it’s really easy to catch on.

There were 3 little things that you could work on though. The first thing that struck me is that the mouse speed is not the same as my usual settings. In a normal game that might not matter, but in a game which uses the mouse like yours, this is crucial. I would suggest implementing a mouse speed slider in the options.

The menus should have a mouseover pop-up, so people know what they are. Not a big deal, but I think it’s essential.

And finally, the camera has some glitches in it, or not necessarily glitches, but it really moves fast (let’s say when you bump the little guy real far and then bump him again) in a fraction of a second. Maybe slowing the speed of the camera a tiny bit would just make those transactions a little smoother.

Other than that I really like it. The graphics are beautiful by the way, and the levels are interesting and well balanced. Obviously I’ll have to go through more of them to really have a better idea of levels. I think this game would be killer on shockwave and the likes.

I’m always pleased to play a game that plays a lot better with a tablet than a mouse :smile:. This is cool.

We use the system cursor for the mouse, so the speed should be the same as you’re used to. If it appears different, then that’s probably because the game uses a different resolution then your desktop mouse.

We considered making a slider, but decided against it for a number of reasons:

  1. changing system mouse speed (via a plug-in or something) is evil and only really works in full screen mode.

  2. we could implement our own cursor, but that would probably be equally irritating to the average user, since I don’t think we’d be able to exactly copy the feel of the system cursor (with acceleration and everything, which might be different depending on the system and pointing device used). Also only really works in full screen, or if you lock the cursor.

Others mentioned these issues as well - we will consider that.