Something in this Script keeps activating UI-Buttons

First of all, hi to you all. I’m trying to use the Standard-Asset-Joystick to controll my character, wich works just fine! But this script (without wich the joystick wont work) keeps activating all my UI-buttons, and i can’t deactivate them, while the script is active. Is there a way to get it to run the joystick, and keep it from activating the my buttons?

using System;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;

namespace UnityStandardAssets.CrossPlatformInput
    public class MobileControlRig : MonoBehaviour
        // this script enables or disables the child objects of a control rig
        // depending on whether the USE_MOBILE_INPUT define is declared.

        // This define is set or unset by a menu item that is included with
        // the Cross Platform Input package.

	void OnEnable()

        private void Start()
            if (Application.isPlaying) //if in the editor, need to check if we are playing, as start is also called just after exiting play
                UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem system = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem>();

                if (system == null)
                {//the scene have no event system, spawn one
                    GameObject o = new GameObject("EventSystem");



        private void OnEnable()
            EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTargetChanged += Update;
            EditorApplication.update += Update;

        private void OnDisable()
            EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTargetChanged -= Update;
            EditorApplication.update -= Update;

        private void Update()

        private void CheckEnableControlRig()

        private void EnableControlRig(bool enabled)
            foreach (Transform t in transform)

Yeah, that’s what the mobile control rig does… It literally exists for cross-platform or in-editor purposes. Look at the bottom here

         private void EnableControlRig(bool enabled)
             foreach (Transform t in transform)

This method re-enables all objects. This is due to the fact that this is literally what the mobile control rig was made for. Think of it like a self-toggle, it handles the GUI when you switch to mobile. To properly use this, you need it attached to a GameObject that contains ONLY your mobile controls, like touchpads and such. Or completely remove it, because it is actually kind of a useless script. As I stated, its sole purpose is to automatically enable all children when in mobile.