Something wrong with or operator

Hello, as stated in one of my previous questions, I am in the process of making a text adventure. Halfway through my coding session, the or operator suddenly stopped working.
#pragma strict

var arcadeText : GUIStyle;
var stringToEdit : String = "";
private var showBox1 : boolean = true;
	function OnGUI () {
		// Make a text field that modifies stringToEdit.
		var returnHit = (Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown && Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Return);
		stringToEdit = GUI.TextField (Rect (19, 397, 600, 20), stringToEdit, 240, arcadeText);
		 if(returnHit) {

    if (showBox1 == true)
   {GUI.Box(Rect(0,0,Screen.width,Screen.height),"Greetings, Adventurer. You have but one goal: to return to reality.

You are in a low-lit stone room with a single unlocked door visible.", arcadeText);}
var examineRoom1 = returnHit && stringToEdit == (“examine” || “Examine” ||“examine room” ||“Examine room”||“check room” ||“Check room” || “look” ||“Look” ||“look around” ||“Look around”);
if (examineRoom1) {showBox1 = false;}

function Animate () { stringToEdit = stringToEdit; yield WaitForEndOfFrame; stringToEdit= "";} 

Specifically, in the line regarding defining examineRoom1 and then the next if then statement, any other word besides examine (the first and only the first works) is completely disregarded and does not work at all, even if it is on the list of approved words. This just started occurring after I tried to help my future self by making a variable defining all examine words so I would not have to copy and paste the list in any future rooms the text adventure would possess. When I made this variable and made the adjustments to the code so that instead of that massive text block, it just would say && stringToEdit ==(examine1), the name of the variable I chose. From then on, even after I reversed the original changes, all strings preceding the first would be disregarded. Any help would be appreciated in fixing this game breaking bug.

I’m surprised it ever worked like that. Here is an alternative way to structure it. An array will be much nicer to work with in general.

// Put all of the possible strings in here
private string[] words;

private bool IsStringOnList (string wordToTest){
    for each (string word in words){
        if(word == wordToTest){
            return true;
    return false;

Fixed your code a tad, final version:

private var examineWords= ["examine", "Examine","examine room","Examine room","check room","Check room", "look","Look","Look around","Look around"];
 var wordToTest:String;
private var IsStringOnList : boolean;
{for each (var word in examineWords){if (word == wordToTest){ IsStringOnList=true;}}
if (IsStringOnList == true){ Debug.Log("Success");}}

Thanks for the help!