so my problem is that the directional light doesen’t work properly on my terrain… its weird even with the scene view light that is also directional.
The terrain is covered in sand texture(not a problem) and it is set to 3000 width and 3000 length. I intended to create two islands, but then this stoped me. I spent my last three days smashing my head with this problem and i cant figure it out, so i am asking you people for help
this is without lighting(only scene view light):
this happens if i turn in the direction of the light:
this is with lighting ON and with my directional light(Sun):
as seen here, my rotation does not affect my directional light:
i have a script attached to my directional light for my day/night cycle(also not problem)
however this is how it looks in game :
and this is how it looks when the sun is lower:
at night everything is black, but at the morning however it is same weird stuff again.
what did i miss guys? I played around with my terrain settings, then with my directional light settings, then with my lighting settings… nothing worked